Make your thanksgiving the best :

Be Missional 

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Move outside your comfort zone

Often we make Thanksgiving all about our own family, Mom’s famous pumpkin pie, or delicious stuffing. It is right to celebrate with family, but perhaps you can add the simple element of serving other people too! Instead of just donating some food or dropping off a few dollars in a red collection bucket, as an individual or even better as a family, volunteer this Thanksgiving season. The goal is: how do we make this season a memorable and extraordinary event? In order to do that, you can’t just celebrate the holiday exactly as you always have done!

What we really want is more than a meal. We want thankfulness to pervade our inner life. Serving others is the path to this reality. Our view of the world changes. Our heart is recalibrated to be less about “me and mine” and more about others.

Inside this informative PDF you will find ideas Ideas for volunteering. How to initiate cross-cultural relationship,  immigrants, foreign student sand refugees, during this American Thanksgiving Holiday demonstrating the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.

Also ideas on how to Take Thanksgiving to the Mission Field. Many missionaries live in harsh conditions, caring for the very poor, while sharing the love of God and get very lonely and homesick during this holiday.

Celebrated on the Tuesday following Thanksgiving and after the widely recognized shopping events Black Friday and Cyber Monday, #GivingTuesday kicks off the charitable season, when many focus on their holiday and end-of-year giving. Outrageous Love, a tax deductible charity, fosters Communities of Hope among the impoverished and marginalized peoples of the worlds and is fully funded by individuals like you.