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Best Coffee Makers

Best Coffee Makers

Though it would make the lives of millions of coffee drinkers a lot easier, there really is no consensus on what the world’s best coffee maker is. The problem, it seems, is that there’s simply too many nuances and personal preferences that differ in what people consider the ideal way to make coffee. Some, for instance, like to consume several cups of coffee to give their morning a jumpstart. Others only need one, and find any more than that to be a caffeine overload.

Best Coffee Grinders For Your Home

Best Coffee Grinders For Your Home

When you’re ambling through the coffee aisle at the supermarket, familiar brands of pre-ground coffee are typically most prevalent. Brands like Folgers, Maxwell House, and Seattle’s Best dominate store shelves. And while these ground coffees are usually suitable for the average coffee consumer, truly great coffee is almost always ground fresh.

The Health Effects of Coffee

The Health Effects of Coffee

Because coffee has a naturally high concentration of caffeine, its health effects have been studied in depth. One 8 ounce cup of coffee has between 100 and 200 milligrams of caffeine, with the average being around 135. Per ounce, coffee has the single highest caffeine concentration of any naturally made beverage (excluding certain energy drinks). In this article, we’ll go in depth to figure out just what that caffeine consumption’s effects on health are.

How to Make Crazy Good Coffee

How to Make Crazy Good Coffee

Making coffee isn’t a very complicated process. In fact, if you can read the instruction label on a coffee brewer, you can do it. Making a crazy good cup of coffee, however, requires a little more attention to detail. In order to make the best coffee you’ve ever had, you’ll need to pay attention to several different factors affecting quality. Some are obvious, and others are more subtle – but all are essential in brewing great coffee.

Types of Coffee Beans

Types of Coffee Beans

One thing that many coffee drinkers don’t realize, though, is that tasty black liquid in their cup is not always created equal. In fact, there are several regions across the globe in which different varieties of the coffee plant are grown. Coffee connoisseurs might know the difference, but odds are that the average coffee drinker hasn’t yet been introduced to the wide world of coffee varieties. Well, here is that introduction.